U N L O C K I N G S E L F - D I S C O V E R Y

The Connect.Your.Dots. Workshop

Discover why you think and act the way you do, your natural communication style (your Dots), what causes you stress and how to de-stress more easily, while uncovering what really drives you.


In This Workshop You'll Discover

  • The most transformative tool for self-discovery. Understand yourself and your behaviours like never before.

  • What your unique communication style is (your Dot colours), your stress triggers, and tips for living a happier, less-stressful life.

  • A proven next-level of self-awareness, that will uncover what REALLY drives you.

How It Works

Join our licensed Dots coach Melissa Grainger, in this informative 60 min workshop and walk away with real personal growth development tools that you can use immediately.

1. Discover The Real YOU

We'll start by discovering your unique communication style (your Dots) and how they colour all your conversations, using a tool called "The Dotting Tick-box Exercise" to understand what makes you ‘tick’.

2. Enjoy Less Stress

Next we'll uncover what stresses you, learning about your unique stress-triggers, with tips for how to de-stress more easily so that you can turn conflict into clarity, connection, and inner-peace

3. Unleash Personal Growth

Then we'll unlock your natural strengths, your hidden talents and how to make better use of them, and determine what really drives you. Increasing your self-awareness and self-confidence.

Don't Miss Out

Limited Time Offer

The Connect.Your.Dots. Workshop that has been enjoyed by thousands of people and businesses around the world is now being brought to you online, but for a good time, not a long time, so get in quick!

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